
You have to take into account several key factors when it comes to business world. Among them, networking is one of the most important ones and with a great impact.

Networking is the philosophy that consists on settling a professional network whose aim is making ourselves and our business noticeable and so, improving our business possibilities. This way, we can learn from the rest and get to more contacts, being able to get potential partners, clients, collaborators, associates or investors.

The main purpose of networking is settling social and professional relationships between people with common commercial interests to keep moving forward.

In this respect, Business Centres, also known as “enterprise hotels”, are the best environment to settle this kind of intercompany relationships, as a great number of enterprises from every sector are concentrated in them, what can encourage the emergence of interesting synergies for our business.

As a result, the main advantages that business centres bring are: first, the fact that they offer a high availability of bureaus and flexible offices which let us perform our daily business activity in a comfortable, efficient, professional and relaxing way; and second, they offer rest areas and spaces where we can have a coffee or any other drink while we talk to our office “neighbours”.

In this connection, we should take advantage of these places to be in contact with the managers of the companies around us. This relationships, which can be simply social at first, might become commercial in time, encouraging both businesses to act together to reach common objectives in order to increase profits.

Besides, networking with our centre mates can benefit us if they become the mind whereby we can meet potential new clients, partners or investors.

Because all this, we should not miss any opportunity to establish contact with them, either in the rest areas or even in the lift, a sometimes forgotten element but also very suitable for starting a conversation which would not have begun otherwise because that person is not located on the same floor as us.

From Lexington Business Centres, we encourage you to perform an active networking. Introduce yourself, start conversations and pass out your business card to the other companies’ staff. We are sure you will get good results soon.

“Relationships among people are what give sense to our lives”, Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt