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Nuestra mayor aspiración es poder ayudarte y ofrecerte el espacio que más se adecue a tus necesidades.

The skills of a partner or a good leader must not only stick to those of a more technical type, but must go further and also highlight those related to emotional and social intelligence.

⁉ But, what is emotional intelligence?

All right, let’s start here! Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand and manage emotions in the right way to help and facilitate relationships with others, achieve goals, manage stress and overcome obstacles.

And… emotional intelligence in the company?

Here we continue what we said at the beginning, it’s very important that every professional know how to relate and how to manage in a more “human” way any situation in the company. This is explained by the American psychologist, Daniel Goleman, who popularized this intrinsic concept back in the 90s: “Emotional intelligence can protect the health and promote the growth of organizations. If a company has skills that come from self-knowledge, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, leadership skill and open communication, it is likely to be more adaptable to what the future brings” 😉

Knowing how to manage emotions and social relationships with employees, customers, suppliers and other interlocutors, represents a very powerful tool for SMEs

5 main components of Emotional Intelligence

Five are the ingredients to make this type of intelligence, could you tell which ones?

3, 2, 1… There they go!

  • Self-awareness: it is important that business leaders know the strengths and identify the opportunities of their business, but also they must be aware of the weaknesses that exist and how they are going to be solved.
  • Self-management: a good leader must know how to act in each situation and control their impulses in the most optimal way to generate the greatest security.
  • Motivation: this is an essential ingredient that must be used by CEOs because if they transmit enthusiasm and motivation to employees and also consider important to recognize their work, productivity and responsiveness will be positively affected.
  • Empathy: it is essential to know the feelings and opinions of each employee and put yourself in their shoes because it helps business leaders to make better decisions and to establish closer social relations.
  • Social skills: here we would highlight some such as sociability, creativity, communication, active listening, and the ability to delegate work and to adapt to change.

Do you think there is another component? Participate and tell us what you would add, cheers!

“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own”

Henry Ford


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