
If you’re not exactly sure what benchmarking is, don’t worry, we’ll explain it to you. Benchmarking is an essential tool for any marketer, as it’s necessary to evaluate, analyze, and gather information about the products and/or services of the competition. The main objective of this strategy is to compare and extract best practices, which in turn helps us enhance various processes within our own company.

Types of Benchmarking

Among the types of benchmarking that exist, we find the following:

Functional Benchmarking

This type of benchmarking involves analyzing and extracting best practices from companies that excel in the area you wish to improve, but which do not compete with your own company or belong to the same sector.

Competitive Benchmarking

In competitive benchmarking, on the other hand, specific areas of direct competitors of our company are analyzed to extract their best practices.

Internal Benchmarking

This approach focuses on finding best practices within the same company. In this case, the organization’s performance is self-assessed, comparing performances and seeking ways to improve them.

How to Conduct Benchmarking?

We make it very easy for you with these steps:

  1. Identify companies considered as competitors.
  2. Determine which products and/or services they offer to customers.
  3. Define the indicators you will measure, as well as the method for collecting data.
  4. Analyze the gathered information in relation to your company’s current performance in that area.
  5. Set goals and integration timelines for the new practices.
  6. Implement the integration of the new practices.
  7. Once the new practices are implemented and executed, it’s essential to measure the results.
  8. Since benchmarking is a continuous improvement process, it’s important to conduct it periodically. Therefore, determining the frequency of this technique’s application will be crucial.

Advantages of Conducting Benchmarking for Your Company

Companies can benefit from the advantages offered by benchmarking. Some of these include:

Identification of Best Practices

Benchmarking enables companies to identify the best practices used by other successful organizations. This provides insights into how to optimize their own processes based on other success stories.

Improved Efficiency

By comparing processes, an organization can identify areas where inefficiencies exist.

Objective Evaluation

This practice provides an objective perspective on how a company is performing compared to others. It helps management identify areas for improvement and set realistic goals.


Studying what other companies are doing can lead to the discovery of new needs or approaches to challenges, which can be crucial for staying competitive in the market.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Access to comparative information and relevant data from other companies enables business leaders to make more strategic decisions.

Now that you understand what benchmarking entails, consider incorporating this practice into your company’s strategy to maintain an innovative and continuously improving culture, especially in the digital environment.