
You have been part of Lexington’s team for no fewer than 13 years! How do you remember the beginning?

Now I’m on my way to 14! How old does that make us! Well, I remember the beginning very fondly. It was a really fun time. Forming part of the reception team at Lexington is quite something. You learn so many things with the customers and you have a great relationship with the rest of the very large team, as otherwise reception desks cannot function at the pace that Lexington works. In fact, I have particularly fond memories of the customers from that time and the people with whom I first worked, people who are still my friends today, like Ana Salazar, my “mentor”.

What is the best lesson you have learnt in this time?

Well, perhaps to keep calm. At Lexington you have to be very decisive and, due to the job requirements, sometimes very quick. If you can’t hold your nerve, nothing works. It is important to keep things in perspective be able to prioritise and order your mind before performing a task.

If you had to highlight one aspect of Lexington that makes it special or different, what would it be?

Generally, that we work as a family. Not only with the team, but I think with the customers too. That closeness and human side of Lexington can’t be found in many places.

Think about the future for a moment. How do you think Lexington will evolve over the next 10 years?

I think we will double in size, be much more technological and have shown ourselves capable of creating the spaces and environments that each customer has needed. Behind that technology, as always, there will be the great team that has always characterised Lexington and its quality of service.

And finally, a rapid-fire round:

A song… I love music, it’s difficult for me to choose just one and I also have a song for every moment… Let’s say a gentle one that everyone likes, “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas.

A film… Matrix

A destination… Chicago

A piece of advice… Don’t give advice, listen. This is what almost everyone who asks you for advice wants.

A dream… To be happy, and happiness is simply about wanting to achieve it, so I invite all of you to my dream.