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Due to Covid-19 pandemic, teleworking has become one of the preferred options for employees. However, this way of working also has some disadvantages we must know.

In Lexington, we know that health is a priority and always comes first, but there are some other determining factors to maintain a proper balance between safety and productivity. That is why we tell you which the main advantages and disadvantages of working from home are.

Advantages of working from home

When it comes to analyse the pros and cons of working from home, we have several positive aspects, both for the employee and the employer, which must be highlighted:

> An important saving in terms of time and money as you do not have to commute.

> Less stress and more freedom to perform your different tasks.

> The employee gets to his workplace much less tired as he does not have to suffer the traffic on his way to the office.

> There are already many companies in which you do not have to stick to a work schedule, but rather reach a set of goals. Thanks to this, there is more time for leisure activities.

> Work absenteeism is significantly reduced.

> Due to the fact that every employee is at his own home, there are not coexistence issues between workers.

Disadvantages of working from home

Not everything is a bed of roses when we talk about teleworking. There are also some disadvantages of working from home that we must take into consideration.

In teleworking, there is neither a cooperative working atmosphere nor a sense of belonging to the company

> Those who perform their tasks at their own home cannot separete professional life from family life easily.

> Loneliness, as a result of not having workmates to work closely with, is a factor that affects many of those who choose to work remotely.

> It is necessary to be very disciplined to get up on time and starting the working day, as well as not to overwork beyond healthy limits.

> For companies, it is more difficult to motivate employees and make them feel part of a team.

> There is neither a cooperative working atmosphere nor a sense of beloging to the company, so the generation of ideas can decrease.

> It is more difficult to keep control and communication with the employee.

We have #YourFlexSolution in Lexington

In Lexington, we know that teleworking has many strengths but also several negative aspects. Because of that, we have gone and keep going for a hybrid work model which lets companies stay safe and optimize costs without having to renounce productivity gains.

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Virtual Office

Strengthen the image of your company with a business address at Lexington. Not just any address, but one that locates your office, and...

Private offices

Located exactly where you want them to be, with the image you want to convey and with all the additional services you need.

This model, currenlty on trend, lets companies adapt to the new normality, combining physical and remote work.

Our flex spaces can be rented as long as you need without long-term contracts: days, weeks or months. They have all the services you may need included and they adapt perfeclty to the size and growth of your company.

With our flexible spaces, we help you to implement a hybrid work model in a safe environment and with quality assurance.

“A flexible mind has a better chance to think differently and take a unique path in the life journey”

Pearl Zhu


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