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Nuestra mayor aspiración es poder ayudarte y ofrecerte el espacio que más se adecue a tus necesidades.

Building the new normality of the workspaces.

Lexington response COVID-19 – Plan 3 (16-07-2020)

Integrated  measures will be updated regularly.

We continue working on our safety and hygiene protocol so as to offer you the safest of workspaces, highly committed with the current situation, as always. For these past few months, Lexington has turned their business centres into the safest and healthiest of environments, always working under the Health Authorities recommendations and with the main agents in the sector, developing altogether a rigorous  and contrasted action plan and protocol.

In this third instalment of our protocol, we wanted to strengthen specially our prevention measures, offering our Lexington users the necessary guidelines to create a safe space for all of us, the one that bests suits this new normality.

#SafeReturnToLexington Plan 3

Main prevention guidelines for Lexington users

We needed to stress again the proper use of our spaces, so we have gathered together some specific measures for our users to take into account and to put into practice. Coming back to the office will be under all the guarantees:

↠ Masks must be worn around common areas, transit areas, halls and access points.

↠ Disposable hygiene kits are available (hand sanitizer, paper bins, tissues and so on).

↠ Keep the recommended distance away from others within both the common areas and at the reception desk. Remember to follow de rules indicated by the safety signs.

↠ We recommend wearing a mask within your private office if keeping the minimum distance of 1,5 m. is not possible.

↠ Respect the maximum capacity around the toilet areas and meeting rooms.

↠ Limited access to the kitchen areas. Be responsible: remove your things from the fridge at the end of the day, use your workstation to have lunch and do not use the dishwasher.

↠ Move your things away from your desk, or leave as few as possible, at the end of the day so the proper disinfection activities can be safely run.


Besides the limited capacity of the meeting areas, the safety signs we have hanged on the walls and the disinfection activities (all included in the previous instalments of the #SafeReturnToLexington Plan), we have added the following:

↠ We will air each and every room for at least 10 minutes between events while we run the proper cleaning activities.
↠ Individual lunch boxes are available for a safer catering service.

Private office safety

↠ In Lexington, we have intensified the cleaning activities, always using the recommended products. Besides that, we can offer you special disinfection procedures so as to cover your company’s specific needs.
↠ Hygienic and disinfectant kits are available for your team’s safety: hand sanitizes, tissues, bins, masks and gloves.
↠ We can help you get disposable material such as tableware for everyday use.
↠ We will take care of any visual request you may have (signs, informative posters, safety stickers) so as to transform your office into the safest one possible.
↠ Get our help to buy plastic screens and place them on your office to define each workstation.
↠ We will help you with the reconfiguration of your office to ensure social distancing within your team.


In this third instalment of the #SafeReturnToLexington Plan, we also wanted to mention the recognition given to Lexington regarding our safety measures against COVID-19.

“Guarantee Madrid” quality recognition

The Guarantee Madrid Identification with which Lexington has been recognized is a commitment certificate for businesses, companies, industries, freelancers and third sector institutions, promoted by the Madrid Foundation for Competitivity with the prevention and minimisation of risks brought by COVID-19.

Safe Spaces™

Lexington is also part of the Safe Spaces™ program. An initiative promoted by Upflex and aiming to help both companies and their employees transforming their workspaces into safe and healthy environments.

Download here the complete version of the #SafeReturnToLexington plan.


Furthermore, we wanted to remind you the main safety measures already implemented among all of our spaces, related to the previous versions of the #SafeReturnToLexington Plan.


↠ Every fingerprint reader has been disabled
↠ Limited capacity for the elevators
↠ The ventilation system has been adjusted so as to improve the air renewal
↠ Cleaning activities intensification
↠ We will take everybody’s temperature through a thermographic camera, almost in every centre


↠ KM ZERO: Disinfection areas with hand sanitizer, disposable hygienic kits and bins for you to use as both you enter and exit our spaces.
↠ Protective plastic screens and safety signs will be place at the reception of our centres.
↠ Courier delivery points, properly singed, and disinfection areas.
↠ Visitors registration.


↠ Informative Safe Seats stickers have been placed on those areas that can be used, maintaining the recommended social distance.
↠ Cleaning activities intensification and specific protocols.
↠ Paper items removal.


↠ Limited access to the kitchen area, maintaining the recommended security distance and avoiding multitudes.


↠ Every meeting room will see its capacity reduced down to 50%, adapting their maximum capacity to the current situation and including Safe Seats signs.
↠ Meeting rooms completely disinfected after each use.
↠ Safety protocol on catering delivery and handling.


↠ Showers are not available
↠ Limited capacity

Our main goal is to create the safest and healthiest of spaces so as to ensure that all our users can come back to work with the greatest confidence.

Download here the complete version of the #SafeReturnToLexington plan.


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