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Nuestra mayor aspiración es poder ayudarte y ofrecerte el espacio que más se adecue a tus necesidades.

COVID-19 came and forced so many companies to improvise different ways and methods to implement teleworking on their business, rushing to adapt to a new way of understanding workspaces.

It’s been a year now and some companies are beginning to wonder if coming back to the office is actually a good idea, or if they should stick to the plan they have been following for the last 12 months.

Sounds familiar? Are you an entrepreneur wavering about coming back to the company’s headquarters instead of remaining working from home? Here you’ll find 5 reasons to go back to the office and to your team this 2021, no hesitation!

1.   Socialization and a nice environment

Social relationships are key for every company, and that is no less true for your own. Close relationships with your co-workers will help you all work better together, as one, improving the working environment as well. Something that is way harder when each of you is working at home, that’s for sure.

The Hybrid formula guarantees the safest comeback to the office, with no risks and enjoying the best of both teleworking and on-site working

2. The hybrid model

Due to the pandemic situation and the social distance recommended, new ways of working have emerged. The hybrid model we have presented you many times before is the best at reassuring the safest comeback to the office, with no risks and always enjoying the best of the two main formulas: on-site working and teleworking through team rotations.

3. Productivity and growth

Facilities are very important for the team if we want them to be productive, something that will translate into our business growing stronger. The workspace is the core of the company, so the closer the employees feel to it, the better it will all work out. Keeping always in mind as well that great ideas and new projects are usually born from cooperation and mutual help.

4. Privacy

Working environments have to grow in order to meet new emerging necessities. From now on, having your space full of people and workstations is no longer the point.

Privacy and personal space are the key now, and there are places already offering such necessary conditions nowadays.

5. Flexible and safe spaces

Even though gather everybody together again has its benefits and great reasons behind it, it’s mandatory for those spaces to be ready for the new situation.

Safe and flexible ways of working, such as the ones we offer you at Lexington, are the best choice! Not only because they allow this combined working structure we have been talking about, but also because they guarantee safety through a rigorous and certified safety protocol.

 “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

 Ryunosuke Satoro


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